GLOBE Science Fair
The GLOBE Science Fair
Every year we organize the GLOBE Science Fair where students present their research findings! On this page you find the information on how to participate in the Science Fair.
- When?: June 6th 2025
- Who? Every GLOBE school can send up to 3 teams of 3 to 5 students (level havo/vwo 3/4/5 and vmbo 3/4).
- How? Make sure your teacher registers. The registration link will be posted later.
- Have you already done a GLOBE research project? Discuss with you teacher whether this meets the criteria.
- Are you looking for a GLOBE research project? Follow the steps of the research cycle below.
- Why? It is great to be able to show your research to scientists and other students & you can win an award.
- Where? Wageningen Universiteit (WUR)
- Language? Students can choose either to present in English or in Dutch.
- Cost? The participation fee is €250 per school for GLOBE schools with the standard membership. For GLOBE Science Schools, participation is free.
Information video Science Fair 2024-2025
Get an idea of what the GLOBE Science Fair is all about? Watch the Zoom recording (NL) for Science Fair 2025 here. The recording tells you everything you need to know about the GLOBE Science Fair.
If anything is unclear or you have questions, don’t hesitate and send a mail to
Science Fair Awards
- Jury award (awarded by scientific jury)
- Public award (you will rate your fellow students)
- GLOBE Bee Game award (an outdoor activity)
- Microplastics award (for the best microplastics research project)
Microplastics award
- special “behind the scenes” tour
- meeting with a scientist specialized in microplastic and seals
The winning team can bring up to 5 students and 1 teacher.
GLOBE Science Fair
Practical information
Each year GLOBE organizes and hosts the GLOBE Science Fair, where students present the results of their research. On this page, you can find more information about participation and preparation.
- When? June 6th, 2025
- Where? Wageningen University & Research
- Who? Every GLOBE school can send up to 3 team of 3 to 5 students (level H/V 3/4/5) accompanied by two teachers. Preferably, the school encourages multiple teams to conduct research. Of these teams, the best are elected to represent the school at the GLOBE Science Fair.
- Why? Students are able to share their research with scientists and students from other schools, in a fun and informative way, on an inspiring university campus location.
- What? You can present any GLOBE project you want, as long as GLOBE protocols are used. This can either be protocols from the international GLOBE website ( or Dutch protocols from GLOBE Nederland. In preparation for the Science Fair, your teacher(s) will help you during the execution of the research and writing of your report.
Even though this page is written in English, you can choose to write and present your report in either Dutch or English.
There are 3 awards and one special award for the best microplastics research. The winner of the GLOBE Bee Game will also receive an award.
GLOBE and tto
For tto-schools, the Science Fair offers an interesting CLIL student activity. Furthermore, GLOBE offers various possibilities for both EIO and CLIL.
GLOBE Science Fair awards
A jury will judge every team. This year’s jury members are:
There are 4 types of awards:
- Jury award
- Audience award
- GLOBE games award
- Microplastics award
Special Microplastic award
Students that participated in the Microplastic research can also win the special Microplastic award. They will receive a trip to Zeehondencentrum Pieterburen where they will get a special “behind the scenes” tour by seal-scientist Anna Salazar Casals. Find out more about her research here.
GLOBE Science Fair
- June 6th 2025: Science Fair @ Wageningen University
GLOBE Science Fair
6th of June 2025, Wageningen Universtity & Research campus
- 10:00 – setting up stands
- 11:00 – opening – coffee, tea and soda
- 11:30 – presentations in stand
- 12:30 – lunch
- 13:15 – tour on campus
- 14:15 – outside activities
- 15:15 – award ceremony
- 15:45 – closing
GLOBE Science Fair
What do we expect?
- Your teacher(s) will mentor one or more student teams in doing a research project, using the GLOBE protocols.
- Each student team has a maximum of five students. Each school is allowed to sign up to student teams to partake in the GLOBE Science Fair. If your school has even more student teams, you must select up to 3 teams to represent your school in the GLOBE Science Fair. A suggestion would be to organize a Science Fair at your own school to decide which team will represent your school! There are rubrics available at the GLOBE Nederland website to assist in the assessment.
- You ensure the teams upload their research data on the international GLOBE website, to make the data available for scientists and schools worldwide (if international GLOBE-protocols are used).
- At least one teacher accompanies the student team(s) at the GLOBE Science Fair. Each school is allowed to bring up to two teachers.
GLOBE Science Fair
What do we offer?
- If you are new to GLOBE and have a trial membership (proeflidmaatschap) we can come to your school for a start-up workshop in which we also explain the Science Fair. During this workshop we will answer all of your questions!
- Helpdesk. You can mail us for all your questions:
- Coaching and support. We will help you stay on the right track and assist with any questions you may have.
- The GLOBE Science Fair is hosted at Wageningen University & Research. Here, GLOBE offers a scientific jury, full catering, student games, fun gadgets and a certificate for each participating student (and teacher).
- Will your students win the GLOBE Science Award this year? GLOBE offers three goblets for the top 3 teams and a microplastic award to take home! Read about the experience of the winning team of the Science Fair 2022.
- Students are also invited to upload their reports on the international GLOBE website to showcase their research at the GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium. Click here for more information on the event. Submissions will be accepted between January 1st March 11th, 2024.
GLOBE Science Fair
Lesson plan
On this page, you can find a short example of a standard lesson plan to get started with the GLOBE Project of choice. Each teacher can adjust it according to their own preferences.
PHASE I. Introduction by teacher
- 1 lesson: Introduction of GLOBE and the Science Fair in class. You could use this page as introduction.
- 1 -2 lessons: Students take measurements under the supervision of an accompanying teacher to get a feeling for the research instruments.
- 1 or more lesson: Let your students brainstorm about a research question and preferably also about the development of their research plan.
PHASE II. Students execute their research in teams
- Teacher offer guidance.
- Dependent on the type of project and time available, students will execute their research in teams. In most GLOBE projects, a change is generally observed over a longer period of time.
PHASE III. Students will report on their research
- Students write a research report and upload it. The report may be written in either Dutch or English.
- Students will prepare their poster presentation.
PHASE IV. Students present their results at the Science Fair
- Students prepare their poster presentation.
GLOBE Science Fair
- Template: you can use this to plan the Science Fair process.
- You can also look at several examples of research reports.
- During the GLOBE Science Fair, the same guidelines are used as during the international GLOBE Virtual Science Symposium. Check the details in the criteria, on which the jury will base their ranking and grading. Look at grade 9-12 for grading rubrics.
- Guidance from a GLOBE staff member is possible! Feel free to e-mail or call GLOBE Nederland.
Upload research reports
Prior to the Science Fair, the research report should be uploaded. Take note: the students can upload their report through a student account (instructions for creating a student account). Teachers can log in with their GLOBE account.
GLOBE Science Fair
Registration & costs
The participation fee is €250 per school for GLOBE schools with the standard membership. For GLOBE Science Schools participation is free.
Check the community page to see if your school is a member of the GLOBE program.
If your school is not yet a member of GLOBE, find out more about the GLOBE membership (in Dutch).
GLOBE Science Fair
Practical information – backup 23
Each year GLOBE organizes and hosts the GLOBE Science Fair, where students present the results of their research. On this page, you can find more information about participation and preparation.
- When? June 7th, 2024
- Where? Wageningen University & Research
- Who? Every GLOBE school can send up to 3 team of 3 to 5 students (level H/V 3/4/5). There is no limit to the amount of accompanying teachers. Preferably, the school encourages multiple teams to conduct research. Of these teams, the best are elected to represent the school at the GLOBE Science Fair.
- Why? Students are able to share their research with scientists and students from other schools, in a fun and informative way, on an inspiring university campus location.
- What? You can present any GLOBE project you want, as long as GLOBE protocols are used. This can either be protocols from the international GLOBE website ( or Dutch protocols from GLOBE Nederland. In preparation for the Science Fair, your teacher(s) will help you during the execution of the research and writing of your report.
Even though this page is written in English, you can choose to write your report, and present it in either Dutch or English.
There are 3 goblet awards and there is one special award for the best microplastics research.
GLOBE and tto
For tto-schools, the Science Fair offers an interesting CLIL student activity. Furthermore, GLOBE offers various possibilities for both EIO and CLIL.
GLOBE Science Fair awards
This year there is a very expert jury with scientists from different universities and institution:
Goblet awards
There will be 3 goblets awarded:
- Jury award
- Public award
- GLOBE games award
Special Microplastic award
Students that participated in the Microplastic research can also win the special Microplastic award. They will receive a trip to Zeehondencentrum Pieterburen where they will get a special “behind the scenes” tour by a scientist with a beach clean up activity.
GLOBE Science Fair
- June 7th 2024: Science Fair @ Wageningen University
GLOBE Science Fair
7th of June 2024
- 10:00 – setting up stands
- 11:00 – opening – coffee, tea and soda
- 11:30 – presentations in stand
- 12:30 – lunch
- 13:15 – tour on campus
- 14:15 – outside activities
- 15:15 – award ceremony
- 15:45 – closing
GLOBE Science Fair
What do we expect?
- You as a teacher will mentor one or more of your student teams in doing a research project, using the GLOBE protocols.
- One student team has a maximum of five students. Each school is allowed to sign up one student team to partake in the GLOBE Science Fair. If your school has several student teams, it is up to you as a teacher to decide which student team will represent your school. A suggestion would be to organize a Science Fair at your own school to decide which team will represent your school! There are rubrics available at the GLOBE Nederland website to assist in the assessment.
- You ensure the teams upload their research data on the international GLOBE website, to make the data available for scientists and schools worldwide (if international GLOBE-protocols are used).
- You accompany your team to the GLOBE Science Fair. Each school is allowed to bring one or two teachers.
GLOBE Science Fair
What do we offer?
- If you are new to GLOBE and have a trial membership (proeflidmaatschap) we can come to your school for a start-up workshop in which we also explain the Science Fair. During this workshop we will answer all of your questions!
- Helpdesk. You can mail us for all your questions:
- Coaching and support. We will proactively ask for your progress to keep you on the right track and help you to resolve any questions.
- Anually, the GLOBE Science Fair is hosted at Wageningen University & Research. Here, GLOBE offers a scientific jury, full catering, student games, fun gadgets and a certificate for each participating student (and teacher).
- Will your students win the GLOBE Science Award this year? GLOBE offers three goblets for the top 3 teams and a microplastic award! Read about the experience of the winning team of the Science Fair 2022.
GLOBE Science Fair
Lesson plan
On this page, you can find a short example of a standard lesson plan to get started with the GLOBE Project of choice. Each teacher can adjust it according to your own preferences.
PHASE I. Introduction by teacher
- 1 period: Introduction of GLOBE and the Science Fair in class. Also use the student webpage for this.
- 1 -2 periods: Students take measurements under the supervision of an accompanying teacher to get a feeling for the research instruments.
- 1 or more periods: Let your students brainstorm about a research question and preferably also about the development of their research plan.
PHASE II. Students execute their research in teams
- Teacher offer guidance.
- Dependent on the type of project and time available, students will execute their research in teams. Generally for most GLOBE projects, a change is observed over a longer period of time.
PHASE III. Students will report on their research
- Students write a research report and upload it.
- Students will prepare their presentation.
PHASE IV. Students present their results at the Science Fair
- Students prepare their presentation
GLOBE Science Fair
- There is a seperate webpage for students with an English introduction to the Science Fair:
- Template: you can use this to plan the Science Fair process.
- You can also look at several examples of research reports.
- During the GLOBE Science Fair, the same guidelines are used as during the international GLOBE Virtual Science Symposium. Check the details in the criteria, on which the jury will base their ranking and grading. Look at grade 9-12.
- Our rubrics can provide extra guidance.
- Guidance from a GLOBE staff member is possible! Feel free to e-mail or call GLOBE Nederland.
Upload research reports
Prior to the Science Fair, the research report should be uploaded. Take note: the students can upload their report through a student account (instructions for creating a student account), or you as a teacher can log in with your GLOBE account.
GLOBE Science Fair
Registration & costs
The participation fee is €250 for GLOBE schools with the standard membership. For GLOBE Science Schools participation is free.
Check the community page to see if your school is a member of the GLOBE program.
If your school is not yet a member of GLOBE, find out more about the GLOBE membership (in Dutch).
Registration will open soon!
Step 0
Research cycle
During the road to the Science Fair you can use the GLOBE Research Cycle to help guide your research!
Step 1
Observe nature
In this step you do some orientation to find out what GLOBE research you want to do. First find out more about the GLOBE Program. NASA’s network of students on 37.000 schools in 126 countries around the world that investigate the environment. Watch the movie below and go to for more information.
GLOBE intro movie
Choose what research you want to do
There are many different types of research you can do with GLOBE. How you perform such a research is described in a protocol. This way every student around the world performs the measurements in the same way, which makes them comparable.
The protocols can be found on the international website Below we give you the direct links.
Step 2
Pose questions
Once you know what you want to investigate you need to think about a research question. Use the worksheet to Evaluate Possible Research Questions for guidance.
Step 3
Plan investigation
How will you test your hypothesis and answer your research question?
- Develop a research plan with specific steps to complete your investigation, including who will be responsible for each task if you are working in a group.
- Decide what existing data you need, where this can be obtained, and how you will get this.
- Identify the resources available to you such as measurement equipment and supplies.
- Identify what help you may need from others including your teacher, experienced scientists, and other adults and students. It often helps to have a mentor or coach when learning anything new.
- Plan your time. When and where will you take measurements? How will you get other data that you need? Especially keep in mind the deadline for handing in your research project to be considered for the Science Fair!
Step 4
Collect data
Use the GLOBE protocols you have chosen in step 1 to investigate the environment and upload the data you gather to the GLOBE database.
You can use the GLOBE data entry app to send your measurements to the GLOBE database.
To learn how to work with the website, you can use the web tutorials.
Step 5
Analyze data
You can now look at the data you’ve gathered and even compare it to the measurements of other schools. At this moment students from more than 37,000 schools around the world have gathered more than 175,000,000 measurements. That’s a lot! The following tools can help you to look at all these measurements:
Step 6
Document conclusions
Writing a report
Once you have analyzed your data, you can start writing the report. The following documents can help you with that:
Upload report
Upload your report to the international website (deadline: May 31st 2024) using the link below.
Note: ask your teacher for the student account to log in
Option: Virtual Science Sympsosium
If you upload your research report to the Virtual Science Symposium (deadline: Mach 11th 2024). You will get feedback on your report from an international scientist. If you have an excellent report and reply in the proper way you might win and get funding to come to the international GLOBE meeting.
If you choose to take this chance, you can read more: Virtual Science Symposium 2024.
Step 7
Present findings on Science Fair
Program Science Fair June 7th 2024
11:00 opening
11:30 presentations in stand
12:30 lunch
13:15 tour on campus
14:15 outside activities
15:15 award ceremony
15:45 the end
Present in a stand
You will present your research in a stand to your fellow students, teachers and the scientific jury. You will have a table and poster wall to present:
- The research report that you have also uploaded to the website so the scientists can read it beforehand
- Anything you want to show to present your research. For example:
- Poster (you may use the standard format)
- Film
- 3D object
Tips and Tools for Preparing a Presentation:
- Ten Secrets to Giving a Good Scientific Talk
- Classic Poster Template PDF | PowerPoint (right mouse click, copy link address and paste in a new window). Note: this includes middle school and high school/undergraduate elements, modify as needed.
- Creative Poster Examples: There’s a current push in the scientific community to explore presenting research in a more creative way. Try something new or using these examples to help your creative ideas flow!
Scientific jury
The jury exists of scientists that will visit all stands. When the jury visits your stand you have 3 minutes for a pitch about your research and some minutes to answer questions by the jury. The jury will rate on:
- The research report
- The pitch
- The stand
- Language and quality of your English
There are three goblet awards:
- Jury award
(awarded by scientific jury) - Public award
(you will rate your fellow students) - GLOBE Bee Game award
(an outdoor activity)
Step 8
Pose new questions
After your research you might have new research questions and you can start the research cycle again. Maybe you want to work something out in a PO (practical assignment) or PWS.