Winnaars Science Fair gaan naar Tsjechië

Het Schoonhovens College won vandaag de GLOBE Science Fair met het onderzoek “Plant biodiversity in the Nespolder”. 

Naast een beker, ontvingen de leerlingen van de ambassade van de VS als prijs een cheque om het onderzoek te gaan presenteren op de GLOBE games in Tsjechië. Daar komen GLOBE scholen uit heel Europa bijeen om hun onderzoek aan elkaar te presenteren.

De jury, bestaande uit Arnold van Vliet (WUR), Edwin Peeters (WUR), Hester Volten (RIVM) en Marcella van Steenbergen (GLOBE NL), was zeer onder de indruk.

Uit het jury rapport:

“Duco, Wessel and Jasmine presented their research on the plant diversity in the NES polder. Their main research question was “To what extent do abiotic factors influence the biodiversity of plants in different sub-areas?

They studied 5 locations. They determined the light intensity, nitrate concentration and the phosphate concentration.

The stand was very nicely organized. The poster was very structured and addressed all the important phases of the research. The main messages were clearly highlights: research questions, abiotic factors addressed and the main outcome:

They started with a clear hypothesis and they carefully presented the methodologies they applied. Results where clearly presented in tables. The research was nicely explained by the pots with the measurements of phosphate and nitrate as also the flora’s they used. At the end they also explained the flaws in their research.

Their presentation was very professional. English was good and easy to understand. They clearly knew from each other who would talk when and while one person was presenting, the others were very focused to what this person was explaining. Important was also that they presented their work in sufficient amount of time and allowed the jury to ask enough questions. They were also very well able to answer the questions of the jury.”

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